Monday, October 8, 2012

Things, They are a Changing

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: ~Ecclesiastes 3:1 NIV

For some reason, fall reminds me of these verses in Ecclesiastes more than other seasons. I’ve always loved fall and after the summer we had this year, fall was more welcome than ever. Fall, for me, is a time of renewal and regeneration. It’s a time of cleaning out and planning for the future.

Since I went on a blogging hiatus earlier this year I’ve had trouble getting back into the swing of things. Thoughts of the blog and it’s direction still swirl in my head. For those dear readers who are still sticking with me, thank you. I will be back to a more regular schedule soon.

The Ecclesiastes verses have been wandering around my heart the last few months. I have a feeling  there are changes in the air, not only for the seasons and this blog, but in my life. The words community, intentionality, transparency are riding the waves of change. I don’t know exactly what that means. I can tell you that there is a bit of trepidation surrounding all this. Change and growth come with pain and well, I’m not so much a fan of pain. And I’ve been hiding from God on some of these issues the last few months for exactly that reason. In case you’re wondering, hiding from God is hard…He usually finds a girl. I do have a couple of posts that I’m working on relating to some of these things.

So, that’s a little bit of where I’ve been recently. My goal is to have a real post for you next week. In the meantime, enjoy a little pumpkin spice latte and the beautiful colors that come with the season!


  1. You don't think this is a real post? This is so real and raw and from the heart. Yeah, there is definitely no hiding from God. Hope you get all the waves of change smoothed out.

  2. Hiding from God is like closing your eyes in a crowded room thinking nobody can see you ;-)

    Short, sweet and to the point. It doesn't get any more real than that sister!
