Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dear Reader

Dear Reader,

I know you’re out there; I see the little blips on my stat counter that indicate someone’s joined me on the mountain. I love that you stop by and I hope you enjoy your time here.

It’s for you, you know. This blog and what I write as I share my search for myself, my God and my ability to use my words. As I sit at my computer and type away I think of you and what you will think. Will you appreciate what I write? Will it offer something to your life? I often wonder what you would like to read here in my little piece of blog land. It really is all about you. (okay, sometimes it is all about me, but I try to keep that to a minimum….that’s what texts to my sister are for!)

I hope that you are encouraged by the words I share. Or that they make you smile and yes, even laugh sometimes. I hope that your visits are worthwhile. I try to bring topics here that will be of interest to you.

Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to drop a comment. I would love to know your thoughts and get to know you.

Warmest Regards,

Your Friendly Blogger, Tamara

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